
May 24, 2015

How hot is my husand? But really.
She loved this rock.
But apparently not enough...
 Just having a Florine Maria moment.
 Flower pickin'
 Because I totes have Pocahontas hair in this picture.

Hello again,

Since it’s been raining, we’ve done lots of puddle splashing…watched the Bachelorette with my dearest Casey friend (FREAKING OUT HERE) Then I got to go to my darling future sister-in-law’s bachelorette party which was AWESOME….…oh, also...Brian and I stalked Art City Donuts multiple times this week. It’s a total obsession.

Anyways! Today was particularly enjoyable because my little family had an adventure up by Silver Lake. It was BEAUTIFUL. So green. We found this perfect meadow where Myla was overjoyed with all the pebbles and flowers she was finding. Brian and I were pretty entertained just sitting on a log watching her and basking in the sun. It was so beautiful and clear out. I love the mountains with all my heart. It’s always been a place where I can feel truly free. Have a great week everyone!
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