
May 24, 2015

How hot is my husand? But really.
She loved this rock.
But apparently not enough...
 Just having a Florine Maria moment.
 Flower pickin'
 Because I totes have Pocahontas hair in this picture.

Hello again,

Since it’s been raining, we’ve done lots of puddle splashing…watched the Bachelorette with my dearest Casey friend (FREAKING OUT HERE) Then I got to go to my darling future sister-in-law’s bachelorette party which was AWESOME….…oh, also...Brian and I stalked Art City Donuts multiple times this week. It’s a total obsession.

Anyways! Today was particularly enjoyable because my little family had an adventure up by Silver Lake. It was BEAUTIFUL. So green. We found this perfect meadow where Myla was overjoyed with all the pebbles and flowers she was finding. Brian and I were pretty entertained just sitting on a log watching her and basking in the sun. It was so beautiful and clear out. I love the mountains with all my heart. It’s always been a place where I can feel truly free. Have a great week everyone!
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May 10, 2015

I had never been one of those girls that was excited to have children. I wanted children one day...but that day was suppose to be in the FAR OFF FUTURE. And all those people who insisted that they wanted to be a stay-at-home mom....yeah...I thought they were out of their mind crazy! Don't you want to do more with your life? Go see the world, get an impressive career, make something of yourself! This was my dream.

SO. When I found out I was pregnant…I would be lying if I said I was excited. I was horrified. Scared senseless. ANGRY. I wasn’t ready! I wasn’t done living! I had so much more I wanted to accomplish. I wanted to get a Masters! And I had an awesome job offer! Brian and I were planning a trip to Thailand! Why now?! Now I was going to be ‘just a mom’? That’s so not me. I felt like my life was over. I was sick, on bed rest and convinced that I would never be satisfied with my life again. I felt like the very essence of who I was had been striped away. I felt betrayed that my Heavenly Father could let this happen to me. I had made other plans. I wanted to be more than this.

Now, I know I can't blame anyone but myself for having these views or feeling the way I did.  But I do feel as though a part of who I believed I should be was shaped around what the world was telling me.…and it was the biggest lie I was ever convinced of.

I’m not going to say motherhood is easy or in anyway perfect, because it’s not. Motherhood is hard! (and I’m a new mom with only one little kiddling, so what do I really know?!) There is NO time off. It requires unimaginable patience and unattainable energy…all done in the name of love.  

BUT, being a mom is the most beautiful thing I have ever been blessed to experience. Myla has taught me to love in a way I never knew was possible. I can honestly say that I never knew you could feel this much joy…THIS is what living is! She is my best pal. This perfect little girl has helped me draw closer to my Savior, and brought more love and light to my life than I ever could have imagined. 

It’s interesting how Heavenly Father knew all along what would bring me the greatest happiness. He is preparing me in ways I still don’t understand…hopefully next time around I will be more willing to trust in Him. 

This Mothers Day I can say that I am happy and proud to be a Mother. I now can say that I truly believe that being a mother is a divine calling. I know with a surety that this is the single most important thing that I will ever do. I am so overwhelmingly grateful for this beautiful love that comes with Motherhood.

Happy Mother’s Day all you Mamma’s! You are so loved! 
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Life Lately

May 4, 2015

Yes. I am wearing an N'Sync hat.

So…once again. It’s been awhile. Have you noticed that each time I blog I have given my little corner of the internet a make-over? Am I missing the concept of what a blog actually is? Possibly. 

Well, I’m going to give you a condensed version of the haps over in my hood lately.

-I recently finished my internship at New Haven as a Recreational Therapist and it was AMAZING. Seriously. It’s the most incredible program and I had the best mentor who let me try so many new things. It was such a great experience. Now I’m just prepping for my exams….then when I pass them, I will be a grown up rec. therapist…..crazy right?! 

-Brian’s business is booming…..almost to the point of complete and utter chaos….but in a really good way! It’s exciting!

-Myla is starting to talk! It’s SO CUTE! And hilarious….like the other day at Walmart….she sees this very dark haired, bearded man and yells ‘JESUS!!!’ repeatedly….SO LOUD & CLEAR….she was all frantic and reaching her hands….I was literally crying l was laughing so hard. Luckily for me the guy had a fantastic sense of humor and wasn’t at all offended by my child yelling and pointing at him….and me laughing….

-Brian and I went on a little road trip and saw the Mesa Verde cliff dwellings, the Four Corners Monument, Antelope Canyon, Horse Shoe Bend, and the Pink Coral Sand Dunes. It was completely random….but a great way to celebrate the end of my internship! Which is probably why it was so much fun! We made tons of unplanned stops and it was just super chill. Brian is funny. He kept me laughing the whole drive…we’ve always loved driving together :) it’s the best. Ta-ta for now...

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Flower Pickin'