Alexander Calvin Ostler was born on February 29, 2016 at 1:24 PM; weighing 7 pounds 13 oz, and being 19 inches in length. He is PERFECTION. We are completely in love with his sweet little spirit and mellow temperament. Literally....he is so chill. I feel like I've almost never heard him cry.
The cesarean went smoothly and I am recovering nicely! Thank heavens for modern day medicine that can keep this sweet baby and I here on earth! I am truly in awe and so grateful for that blessing. Oh, and my milk came in this time around! Whoo! Huzzah for breast milk...and pumping!
Xander is already a big eater! Well...technically he is eating no more than Myla's just the crazy speed at which he eats that is truly impressive....where we would be up feeding Myla for at least 30 minutes....Xander is done with his bottle in a mere 2 startled all the nurses haha...Brian is so proud.
He has been sleeping from 3-4 hour increments during the I actually feel pretty well rested! Hopefully this sleeping pattern only continues to get better! We feel like we lucked out in this department.
I feel so blessed to be this boy's Mamma, and am just trying to soak in every last moment of him being this little. I love this sweet phase of motherhood and wouldn't trade it for the world.