Give Thanks

November 23, 2014

I’ve always wanted to do that November Facebook challenge, where you say what you’re grateful for everyday of the month….but I can never remember….SO. In honor of the month of November, and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is my own personal (very condensed) list of things to be grateful for :)

1. The Temple. How could I not be eternally grateful for what allows me to be with my family for all eternity?

2. Brian James. He is the funniest boy I know. My best friend, and the hottest Dad alive. Amen.

3. Myla Jean. Nothing makes me happier than being her Mom. Absolutely nothing. I AM SO BLESSED.

4. Cold pizza. There’s something truly magical about cold pizza. Not only is is delicious, but I had to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to make it….didn’t even have to use a microwave…and I dunno about you, but that just makes it taste so much better.

5. Music. Oh, how I love you. You will always be my first boyfriend.

6. Toilet Paper. You don’t realize how great toilet paper is until you’re stranded in a third world country without any….just think about that.

7. Gilmore Girls. It’s basically a religion. It’s who I am.

8. My Parents. They are my best friends….I hang out with them too much. I’m so lucky to have them. And Myla is even luckier! They love her so much and always want to spend time with her :) it makes me so happy.

9. Yoga pants….it’s like being naked. But you stay warm. What could be better? Nothing.

10. Recreational Therapy. It’s my passion. SO life changing. I love being able to help people through play. I am SOOO good at playing, plus I LOVE helping people….it’s a good fit. If you are young and these are things you like….MAJOR IN REC THERAPY.

11. Snow…is the most beautiful thing in the world. Everything gets quiet when it snows. It makes me feel perfectly calm. Big blankets and TONS of cuddling….plus winter clothes are the best! I love the layers and slouchy hats with scarfs and gloves….sigh…I could go on and on and on….I LOVE SNOW! AND ALL THINGS WINTER.

12. Kissing….as Shakespeare said ‘soul meets soul on lovers lips’…how beautiful is that? Plus, my husband is a fabulous kisser…soooo…...

13. The Book of Mormon. Whenever I feel lost I always turn to these sacred words. They always seem to help me find my way.

14. Disposable diapers. ‘Nuff said.

15. Harry Potter….thanks for defeating Lord Voldemort and saving us all. We will be forever grateful.

16. The Mountains. They are beautifully breathtaking during each season. I love driving through the canyons, walking along rivers, lakes and feilds….there is so much to explore!

17. Casey Kendrick. She is my person. My kindred spirit. We are two peas in a pod! I truly don't know where I'd be without her friendship in my life.

18.Christmas Ornaments. It’s something I collect….obsessively. Everywhere I go….I LOVE THEM. I love having a Christmas tree full of ornaments that each have a story. It makes the tree even more magical and meaningful.

19. China. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity I had to live there and be completely immersed in their culture.

20. BYU! What a fabulous college….who happens to have the best Recreational Therapy program in the country. YEAAAUH!

21. CAT VIDEOS. NOTHING MAKES ME HAPPIER. I love cat videos. It’s like a disease. An addiction that I share with my husband.

22. GOAT VIDEOS. I also love goat videos. Are you concerned? If you are, then you should really look up ‘goats yelling’ on Youtube RIGHT NOW. It’s fantastic.

23. Books. There are too many that have shaped my life to name.

24. My brothers. They are both SO funny and we are all COMPLETELY different...but somehow the best of friends. Life would have been dull without them. LOVE THEM TO PIECES.

 25. Thanksgiving. I am SO looking forward to it. How great is it that we have a holiday where we get to chill with our family and stuff our face with food, AND bask in our blessings? It’s pretty great. Am I right, or am I right?