January 2, 2014

Well, I am truly a gifted blogger. It’s been months….and so much has happened! My life has been turned upside down in the best of ways. I'm a mommy now!
How crazy is that? It sounds so old…and mature….we’re still kids! We’re kids with a kid. Aw jeez...
Anyways! Myla Jean Ostler was born on 11-12-13 (how cool is that birthday?!) and weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces. It was a joyful delivery that eventually ended in a C-Section (note the sarcasm dripping from that statement). Seriously, modern day medicine is incredible. Epidurals are heaven sent. Why would you choose to not have one?! Just sayin'...anyways....our baby girl is perfect! And how hot is my husband holding our baby? Am I right? Mmmhmm. 

 Myla Jean is almost two months old now! She is a smiley little bug who is so strong! She loves cuddling with Daddy and is already chatting up a storm. Brian and I especially love Mylas’ recent fear of sneezing. Whenever she feels a sneeze coming she gets this horrified look on her face, lets out a solitary yelp….pauses with her mouth wide open….then finally lets out the sneeze. It never gets old. I love my little family and have never been so happy!