Give Thanks

November 23, 2014

I’ve always wanted to do that November Facebook challenge, where you say what you’re grateful for everyday of the month….but I can never remember….SO. In honor of the month of November, and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is my own personal (very condensed) list of things to be grateful for :)

1. The Temple. How could I not be eternally grateful for what allows me to be with my family for all eternity?

2. Brian James. He is the funniest boy I know. My best friend, and the hottest Dad alive. Amen.

3. Myla Jean. Nothing makes me happier than being her Mom. Absolutely nothing. I AM SO BLESSED.

4. Cold pizza. There’s something truly magical about cold pizza. Not only is is delicious, but I had to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to make it….didn’t even have to use a microwave…and I dunno about you, but that just makes it taste so much better.

5. Music. Oh, how I love you. You will always be my first boyfriend.

6. Toilet Paper. You don’t realize how great toilet paper is until you’re stranded in a third world country without any….just think about that.

7. Gilmore Girls. It’s basically a religion. It’s who I am.

8. My Parents. They are my best friends….I hang out with them too much. I’m so lucky to have them. And Myla is even luckier! They love her so much and always want to spend time with her :) it makes me so happy.

9. Yoga pants….it’s like being naked. But you stay warm. What could be better? Nothing.

10. Recreational Therapy. It’s my passion. SO life changing. I love being able to help people through play. I am SOOO good at playing, plus I LOVE helping people….it’s a good fit. If you are young and these are things you like….MAJOR IN REC THERAPY.

11. Snow…is the most beautiful thing in the world. Everything gets quiet when it snows. It makes me feel perfectly calm. Big blankets and TONS of cuddling….plus winter clothes are the best! I love the layers and slouchy hats with scarfs and gloves….sigh…I could go on and on and on….I LOVE SNOW! AND ALL THINGS WINTER.

12. Kissing….as Shakespeare said ‘soul meets soul on lovers lips’…how beautiful is that? Plus, my husband is a fabulous kisser…soooo…...

13. The Book of Mormon. Whenever I feel lost I always turn to these sacred words. They always seem to help me find my way.

14. Disposable diapers. ‘Nuff said.

15. Harry Potter….thanks for defeating Lord Voldemort and saving us all. We will be forever grateful.

16. The Mountains. They are beautifully breathtaking during each season. I love driving through the canyons, walking along rivers, lakes and feilds….there is so much to explore!

17. Casey Kendrick. She is my person. My kindred spirit. We are two peas in a pod! I truly don't know where I'd be without her friendship in my life.

18.Christmas Ornaments. It’s something I collect….obsessively. Everywhere I go….I LOVE THEM. I love having a Christmas tree full of ornaments that each have a story. It makes the tree even more magical and meaningful.

19. China. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity I had to live there and be completely immersed in their culture.

20. BYU! What a fabulous college….who happens to have the best Recreational Therapy program in the country. YEAAAUH!

21. CAT VIDEOS. NOTHING MAKES ME HAPPIER. I love cat videos. It’s like a disease. An addiction that I share with my husband.

22. GOAT VIDEOS. I also love goat videos. Are you concerned? If you are, then you should really look up ‘goats yelling’ on Youtube RIGHT NOW. It’s fantastic.

23. Books. There are too many that have shaped my life to name.

24. My brothers. They are both SO funny and we are all COMPLETELY different...but somehow the best of friends. Life would have been dull without them. LOVE THEM TO PIECES.

 25. Thanksgiving. I am SO looking forward to it. How great is it that we have a holiday where we get to chill with our family and stuff our face with food, AND bask in our blessings? It’s pretty great. Am I right, or am I right?

Autumn Love

September 19, 2014


August 30, 2014

Alrighty!!! It's been a while...soooo here is our Summer in a nut shell. It's been a good one.

-We went to St. Lucia and had many adventures. Myla experienced sand for the first time, got a diaper change on the back of a speed boat, and slept through us sprinting to catch a flight while strapped to Daddy's chest....I've never seen her limbs flail quite like that...

-Brian's business took off and things got CRAZY BUSY.

-Our little family moved into the most darling daylight basement apartment evahhhh! It suits our needs perfectly. The Callisters are ever so kind to let us rent out their lovely place.

-I got called to be a Scout Leader. WHOO WEEBLOS! Should make for some good stories, right?

-We took a SA-WEEET fishing trip with Grandpa Ostler. Myla had her own little tent and everything. It was a party.

-Myla has successfully grown two teeth and is working full time to grow the other's a work in progress. Oh and she also walks and stores food in her cheeks like a's disturbing. She also hoards socks...which is hilarious and dances ALL DAY LONG. She has a crippling fear of spiders. It's a total phobia. Proving that even tiny humans know those things are's an instinct that is instilled in all of us.

-Myla and I went to California to take a five generation picture. It was amazing. Five generations of oldest daughters, all with blonde hair and blue eyes. We are so blessed to have these amazing women in our lives. We had so much fun!

-Lately Brian and I have been watching hours of goat videos or fail compilations on YouTube before we read scriptures, pray and go to sleep....I must say it's been a beautiful addition to our relationship.

-Our little family went to stay at our cabin in Island Park several times. Myla had her first taste of s'mores and LOVES it up there. Hands down my favorite place to vacation in the world.

-Brian and I had a Harry Potter marathon week in honor of Harry's birthday. We made a big fort (it was just like the tents at the Quidditch World Cup) that stayed up all week and each night we made 'magical food' and watched a Harry Potter movie while arguing about who loved Harry the most and knew those blessed books the best. We enjoyed ourselves so much we decided to make it a tradition. How else could we show our gratitude to Harry for saving us from Lord Voldemort? Oh, and although Myla was not allowed to watch the movies with us, she thoroughly enjoyed the tent and looked dang cute in her Griffindor onseie.

And there you have it, that's our little Summer of family love.

5K Hit & Run

August 24, 2014

St. Lucia

May 14, 2014


May 13, 2014

So….I’m not much of a writer. I’ve never been good with words. Simple as that. This is probably the reason I am not a dedicated blogger (oh how I truly wish I was!) BUT….I am a fabulous list maker, and since it was just Mothers Day, I thought I would make a list about what I love about my little girl and being her Mommy. The small beautiful day-to-day things that make life worth living. So here are 15 things I never want to forget.

1- I love holding my sleeping baby and feeling her soft, warm breath.

2- I love watching Myla discover! NOTHING is more magical then seeing her discover little tiny things that she thinks are spectacular and breathtaking…like the pantry for example. Every single morning without fail I open the pantry door and she lets out an audible gasp, as though she just can’t believe what she is seeing. Then she proceeds to quiver with excitement, smile and kick her legs uncontrollably. NEVER GETS OLD.

3- I love trying to read a book to Myla only to have her attempt to eat it.

4- I love that she is a fantastic sleeper. Since she was 2 months old she goes to bed at 9:00 P.M. and wakes up at 7:00 A.M. 10 beautiful hours I tell you. HUGE believer in sleep training. 

5- I love how she loves me stroking her little tuft of hair as she coos herself to sleep. She is truly my daughter ;)

6- I love when she does things like shove almost an entire plastic Easter egg in her mouth and I think once again….wow….she really is my child.

7- I love those humiliating moments when you have to approach a sweet St. Lucian lady and tell her your baby just had an explosive poop all over her freshly laundered sheets…

8- I love how she simply cannot grasp the concept of a binkie…and chooses to be a trend setter for babies around the world and suck on the wrong side. You go girl.

9- I love her cute little laugh and big open mouth smile that she flashes for cameras daily. No, but seriously. She’s a super star.

10- I love that if you hold a toy just out of reach, she defiantly glares at you and makes an aggressive suckling noise with her lips as though she already has the toy to suck on….behold the power of imagination.

11- I love her sweet squeal and big smiles when I come to get her out of her crib in the morning, like there is no one else in the world that she’d rather see.

12- I love her darling and social personality. No matter where we go, she is always smiling at EVERYONE. She likes to brighten other peoples day and really pass along those smiles. Her happiness is infectious I tell you.

13- I love the mornings with her. We have a little family routine that on the weekends when she wakes up, we give her a bottle and then let her cuddle/sleep between Brian and I. Best time of my life right there. Family cuddles.

14- I love how she loves her Daddy! He can really get her hyped up and giggling. Plus, nothing is hotter than a man with a baby. Am I right, or am I right? (Although those man and cat calendars run a pretty close second ;)

15- And lastly, I love that she’s mine. That might sound strange, or selfish or boastful…but I am just so proud of how she learns and grows each day. She is such a little bundle of joy and love and I am so glad she is mine! I am so blessed to have this little girl as my best pal. Love her to pieces. Thank you for all that you are my sweet Myla Jean.


May 2, 2014

St. Lucia was amazing! I loved being there with my family. The villa we stayed at was fantastic. I must admit, me and Brian scored the best room in the house with a breathtaking view from our balcony. Some things we did on this action packed vacation were: went on a land and sea expedition where we drove through the jungles of St. Lucia in a safari jeep, tasted local fruits, drove through an active volcano, exfoliated in some mud and relaxed in a natural hot spring, swam under a lovely waterfall, lounged in a catamaran and then did some snorkeling. It was quite the day. Hmmm…what else…we went parasailing! It was beautiful! And we did a private island speed boat tour and got to see all the caves! It was a blast.

And can I just say that my baby is an angel? Am I right, or am I right?! Throughout the trip, we dragged her EVERYWHERE. From speedboat to speedboat, uncovered jeep to jeep, she was down for every adventure and always smiling. Our little sweetheart just napped on the go and finally got the chance to wear her adorable swimming suits and play in the water.

I always thought that once I had kids, my traveling days would be over. I figured Brian and I would just plan exotic anniversary trips now and then, and it would be a ‘no kids allowed’ event…..assuming of course that grandma and grandpa stay enthusiastic baby sitters ;) but now, I would rather bring the little kiddlings along! We had SO much fun together. I loved how her eyes would light up where ever we went. There was just so much for her to see. It was great trip J so greatful for my parents for taking us. We scored ;) I loved playing in the sun with everyone, and coming home to our villa at night to a competitive game of Phase 10. It was quite the trip.


January 2, 2014

Well, I am truly a gifted blogger. It’s been months….and so much has happened! My life has been turned upside down in the best of ways. I'm a mommy now!
How crazy is that? It sounds so old…and mature….we’re still kids! We’re kids with a kid. Aw jeez...
Anyways! Myla Jean Ostler was born on 11-12-13 (how cool is that birthday?!) and weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces. It was a joyful delivery that eventually ended in a C-Section (note the sarcasm dripping from that statement). Seriously, modern day medicine is incredible. Epidurals are heaven sent. Why would you choose to not have one?! Just sayin'...anyways....our baby girl is perfect! And how hot is my husband holding our baby? Am I right? Mmmhmm. 

 Myla Jean is almost two months old now! She is a smiley little bug who is so strong! She loves cuddling with Daddy and is already chatting up a storm. Brian and I especially love Mylas’ recent fear of sneezing. Whenever she feels a sneeze coming she gets this horrified look on her face, lets out a solitary yelp….pauses with her mouth wide open….then finally lets out the sneeze. It never gets old. I love my little family and have never been so happy!