Myla Jean

June 4, 2016

Yes, she dressed herself...

And then decided to make the cutest rose petal circle EVER.
Realized it was sweltering hot and lost the coat and hat...good choice little one.

This is late, but our Myla Jean is now two and a half! So here is a little post about our home girl.

She is beautiful. And difficult. SO STRONG WILLED. Very bright. She knows what she wants. She cannot be labeled. 

Myla is a girly girl who NEVER STOPS TALKING. She loves to have her nails painted and hair done. She loves to dress up in different clothes and shoes all day and her favorite toys are her princess figurines, books, and necklaces. 

She is also a total tomboy! She loves playing in the mud and ANYTHING OUTDOORS. Rocks, sticks, animals, trees, you name it…she probably loves it. She has an OBSESSION with water and she plays so fearlessly that she ALWAYS has a scrapes on her knees and elbows.

Myla LOVES gardening with Mommy and is a wonderful care taker….to the point of even nursing the horrible weeds back to health, even though SHE KNOWS which plants are the bad ones…she always says ‘but the bad plants are hungry too’ …..#charity #SHEDRIVESMECRAZY…yes…I just hash tagged mid-post….but anyways…

Myla is also a perfectionist. This is probably my number one parenting struggle with her. She has to have every toy lined up juuuust right, or else THE WORLD WILL END. She becomes furious with herself if she forgets the name of a State or word while playing games, typically flings herself to the ground and wails, ‘I’M SO MAD!!! I JUST CAN’T!!!’….but then doesn't want to quit the game until she gets it right...yes. Determination, persistence...great qualities...but the theatrics!!!! WHY?!!!! IT DRIVES ME INSANE….I keep praying that it's just a phase...heaven help me.

This girl is passionate about learning…and begs to play learning games ALL DAY LONG. She hates the lawn mower, pretzels, and dead flies....the live ones are fine....but she's gotten in the habit of checking all the window ceils for the flies....and then throws a full fledged death tantrum while hiding in her room under her blankets if she happens to find one...needless to say...we now have VERY clean window ceils thanks to this gal.... 

We love having this adventurous little one in our family and learn so much from her everyday! Thank you for being our guinea pig child Myla Jean! We adore you.
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Baby Update

March 6, 2016

Alexander Calvin Ostler was born on February 29, 2016 at 1:24 PM; weighing 7 pounds 13 oz, and being 19 inches in length. He is PERFECTION. We are completely in love with his sweet little spirit and mellow temperament. Literally....he is so chill. I feel like I've almost never heard him cry. 

The cesarean went smoothly and I am recovering nicely! Thank heavens for modern day medicine that can keep this sweet baby and I here on earth! I am truly in awe and so grateful for that blessing. Oh, and my milk came in this time around! Whoo! Huzzah for breast milk...and pumping!

Xander is already a big eater! Well...technically he is eating no more than Myla's just the crazy speed at which he eats that is truly impressive....where we would be up feeding Myla for at least 30 minutes....Xander is done with his bottle in a mere 2 startled all the nurses haha...Brian is so proud.

He has been sleeping from 3-4 hour increments during the I actually feel pretty well rested! Hopefully this sleeping pattern only continues to get better! We feel like we lucked out in this department. 

I feel so blessed to be this boy's Mamma, and am just trying to soak in every last moment of him being this little. I love this sweet phase of motherhood and wouldn't trade it for the world.

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November 15, 2015

 Myla's room full of balloons!
Pretty sure this was her favorite birthday surprise...those 'baboons' :) 
 Jumping on the bed
 Yes...I did manage to get a teeny-tiny braid in that INSANELY FINE hair. Thank you for noticing.
 Playing in the leaves!
 Throwing leaves in Mommy's face...
 This girl is my world. I love you Myla Jean.

Myla Jean is two years old! We had the best time celebrating her birthday with friends and family. Myla went to Jungle Jim's with her cousins Joseph and Josh, and her good friend Mika! They played hard. We also spent time with lots of family and Mommy and Daddy filled her room with balloons! (or 'baboons' as Myla calls them) Myla Jean is so much fun and we cannot imagine what life would be like without her! Our little love has grown so much and is learning more and more everyday. Some little facts about Myla are:

-She loves rides in the truck with Daddy
-All things arts and crafts actually....
-Can count to seven
-Sleeps in her big girl bed like a champ.
-Knows all her colors
-Has become a BIG HELPER! She empties the silverware every morning, puts away all her clean clothes (and dirty clothes), is sometimes TOO helpful at meal times....and basically wants to help Mommy with every single thing she does throughout the day....
-She loves Elsa and Tinkerbell.
-Myla loves fish, and got one for her birthday! It's her favorite.
-Her favorite toys are her books and necklaces.
-She knows her shapes and is always begging people to draw them for her...then tries desperately to draw them herself.

Myla is so full of life and has a burning fire to continually learn and experience everything! Myla keeps reminding her Mommy and Daddy that it's the little things in life that bring the most happiness to our being together...or eating Oreos. We are so grateful for this adventurous little two year old! Happy Birthday Myla Jean!!!!

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